Continually Learning

Programmers spend more time learning than any other profession. Genova employees continually learn new languages, technologies, and processes to prepare and adapt for the...


Born in 1815, Ada Lovelace was the world’s first programmer. She worked on the Analytical Engine and recognized that people could use the computer for more than just calculations. She published the first algorithm designed for a...

Meet Genova’s 2021 Interns

Each year, Genova sponsors Interns pursuing degrees that will lead them to a career in software engineering. This year, we’ve hired four interns… Bridget, Ella, Greyson and Sydney. We’ve asked them to take a few minutes out of their schedule to...

Girls Who Code

By Chris Loeffelholz, Program and Business Director    On June 9, 2021 I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Tarika Barrett speak at the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI) Taking Care of Business Conference. The work that she and Girls Who Code is very...