Staying the COVID Course
On Friday, February 5, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds lifted COVID-19 mask rules…

Genova Holds Employee Meeting
Genova held its 2021 kick-off meeting on Friday, January 29.
Thank You!
NEWS & EVENTSAt Genova Technologies we know that 2020 has been a trying year for almost everyone. The year has brought with it a multitude of unprecedented twists and turns. To our clients and employees, we say, THANK YOU! Thank you for your loyalty. Thank you for...

Caring for Our Community
As we are all quite aware, 2020 had been an unusually challenging year…

Fall Festivities
If you look back at our previous posts, you will see we appreciate our people a lot.

Genova Holds All Employee Meeting
On Thursday, October 1, Genova held its first all-employee meeting since the COVID outbreak.

Genova and Dexter Laundry Help Customers go Touchless
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 early this year, the Center for Disease Control has repeatedly suggested that we do what we can to reduce the spread of germs. Dexter Laundry and Genova Technologies have played a role through the release of DexterPay

Derecho Batters Cedar Rapids
On Monday, August 10, a derecho hit the city of Cedar Rapids, IA, home of Genova’s main office. The hour-long storm brought sustained straight-line winds of 80+ MPH, with an estimated maximum of 140 MPH.

August at Genova
August is usually the month were Genova hosts a picnic for employees and their families.

On Thursday, July 9, Genova celebrated its annual Grill-N-Chill. Employees shared some of their favorite side dishes, and Genova supplied everything else.

Fireside Chats
Three times a year Genova gets all their employees together for an update on our business conditions. We typically do this in January, May and September.
With COVID 19 and a many of us working off site May did not seem like a good time to get us all into the break room and serve a buffet lunch.

(Belated) Employee Appreciation Breakfast
Employee Appreciation Day for 2020 was officially observed on Friday, March 6. We had originally planned to celebrate with an employee appreciation breakfast, which has traditionally been very popular. Due to the COVID-19 shutdowns, this didn’t happen as expected.

Working Through It
Like virtually all companies worldwide, Genova has felt the impact of the coronavirus. As a technology company though, we are
fortunate. We have a flexible, robust and well-tested business continuity
plan, which allowed us to implement a work-from-home program.

Genova Technologies Donates Computers to Local Care Facilities in Need Amid Coronavirus Shutdowns
In the wake of COVID-19, residents living in nursing homes and care facilities are struggling to connect with family and friends from a lack of technology. As a company, Genova believes it is important to do its part in making a positive impact in the world, and as a technology company, they saw an opportunity to help some of the community’s most isolated and vulnerable members.

Pi Day
Genovian’s celebrated Pi Day with pizza and pie on Friday, March 13.

International Women’s Day
Genovian’s celebrate the incredible strength of women to strengthen the foundation of the society!! As you’ve probably heard, there are plenty of ways to embrace the day, from supporting woman-owned businesses, sending the women in your life International Women’s Day quotes and Happy Women’s Day messages, and exchanging International Women’s Day flowers.

Souper Bowl Friday
On Friday, January 31, Genova held it’s third annual Souper Bowl Cookoff. Several employees served up their best soup or chili, while others brought in their favorite side dish. We all got together over lunch to enjoy the fare, and voted for our favorite. Abby won this year’s cook-off, giving her bragging rights for the next year, and possession of our newly-made custom traveling plaque.

A Busy, Fun-Filled Week
On Friday, January 24, Genova hosted its first all-employee meeting of 2020. The meeting was held to share our 2019 financial results and lay out our plan for 2020 and beyond. After the meeting, Genova treated everyone to lunch. The taco bar is always a big hit; employees are encouraged to gather in the break room and socialize over the noon hour, and there is always plenty of food to go around.

Cookies and Cocoa
On Thursday, December 19, Genova celebrated the approaching holidays with our annual Cookies and Cocoa day. In addition to the aforementioned sweet treats, there were games and an ugly sweater contest.
John Deere Visit
Genova was proud to host a group of John Deere engineering managers in Cedar Rapids for a day-long internal meeting late this fall. Genova provided the facility and reworked their break room area to make adequate space for the 18 visitors. Cedar Rapids was a...
(319) 378-8455
4250 River Center Ct NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Monday Through Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM