Genova was recently invited by one of our agricultural customers to present at the 2021 Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference (AETC). AETC is an annual event organized by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE, to share trends, technologies, and advancements in engineering within the agricultural equipment market. Due to the pandemic, the three-day event was held virtually this year, with pre-recorded presentations played during the scheduled presentation times and followed by a live question-and-answer portion. Ben Elliott and Mark Richmond presented for Genova as part of the Software Development/Ag Electronics/Application of New Electrical Solutions technical session held on Wednesday, February 10th. Their presentation, Breaking Long Delivery Chains, discussed common challenges software development teams face to determine what needs to be done to create or improve an operator’s experience with the product(s). They covered some of the ways that Genova Technologies has approached these challenges, including the use of the Business Objective Software Supplement (BOSS) and incremental software development to better engage stakeholders throughout the process, to expedite the time spent from an idea to a working product that can be sold.
(319) 378-8455
4250 River Center Ct NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Monday Through Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM